Big Tone Music Brewery
BigToneMusicBrewery is owned and operated by Keith VonderHulls. It is the sister company of www.buildyourownclone.com. BigToneMusicBrewery production and design was put on hold in 2004 when demand for BuildYourOwnClone products became too great to continue running both businesses at the same time. BigToneMusicBrewery now has a new focus and direction, and lots of ideas that we're very excited about. This is a labor of love for us and we can no longer keep it on the backburner.
Here at BigToneMusicBrewery, our goal is to create new and exciting FX pedals that are simple to use and different from everything else out there. We aren't going to have 20 different versions of modified tube screamers and fuzz faces. We aren't going to try to make weird "original" noise makers just for the sake of being original. We know good tone and we know what's lacking in the world of guitar FX. It's our mission to fill that gap.
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